You Don’t Own Me offers support via Blogs, Guest Blogs and Podcast to help break down the barriers and open up the discussion around domestic abuse.

And here, you’ll find a “one-stop shop” helping people find useful resources, support services and access to knowledge shared by professionals.

Because domestic abuse creeps into the corners of too many lives. 

“Amidst all the anguish and despair, when a glimmer of hope is there, you feel like you can do anything, take on every battle. And then you do.”  – Lucy Wade.

Meet Lucy, the creator of and Host of the Podcast, DIP in and out with Lucy CIC 

Lucy is a Domestic Abuse Consultant, specialising in Post-Separation Abuse.

She works with various organisations, including The National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team as part of their task force to develop their knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse, the language and approach we should all be taking when talking about abuse, and how it impacts all of us directly or indirectly.

Here are some of the areas Lucy covers in her Consultancy and Guest Speaking

  • What is Domestic Abuse? And what is Post-Separation Abuse?

  • The impact of Domestic Abuse.

  • Myth Busting – common misconceptions around Domestic Abuse. Why do people stay in abusive relationships? Why don’t they just leave?

  • Love Bombing

  • Trauma Bonding

  • Gaslighting

  • Coercive Control

  • Signposting for victims, survivors, family, friends and colleagues. There is support and there is help.

Check out the Merchandise

Listen to Lucy’s Podcast

Read my Blogs