Time is a funny thing…

We think we have so much of it. We never really know, though. When someone experiences post-separation abuse, time is something they reflect on. A lot! 🕚 Time spent with the perpetrator, sometimes over decades. 🕚 Time to process all of ...

The Mirror has two faces

The title being from a film I have loved for many years starring, Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges. Back in the days before streaming, where you went to the cinema for the experience of seeing a film on the big screen. And films were produ ...

Someone to Watch Over Me

I grew up with what can only be described as eclectic taste in music. Having a lot of siblings means you pick up on their tastes, along with your parents tastes in music. And all the while, developing your own sense of identity through the mus ...

Recover or Move Forward?

Recovery is a word we hear quite often. Especially when we think of an individual who has had an operation, been in hospital etc.. We also hear the word when we read about celebrities and those in the spotlight who have struggled with addic ...

"Do Better." It's a phrase we hear from time to time. But what does it really mean to; "do better." Many of us think we are doing the best we can in all sorts of situations and circumstances. Life throws us challenges, sometimes, more often ...