Domestic Abuse – They are not an Image



They are NOT one image…….

Domestic Abuse Awareness isn’t just about an image in a campaign for one month out of the year.

It’s so, so, much more than that.

It’s about the thousands of images that make up a person’s life. The images over the years from the good and the bad days.

The Birthdays, Christmases, Christenings and every life event they experience. The days they felt like they’d turned a corner, to the days where they felt all hope was lost.

One single image can’t possibly convey domestic abuse. Because it effects all of us in some way or other.

Whether it is directly or indirectly.

It’s a collage of emotions and a rich tapestry which no ONE image could ever do justice.

Every piece of a victim and survivor’s life at some point, comes together.

And eventually we see the whole picture.

I’m Lucy and I’m the creator of 

Knowing where to access support for yourself or someone else isn’t always that easy and can feel very overwhelming.

This is where You Don’t Own Me steps in. Check out my Resources Page for support and information.

As someone said to me recently, is a “one-stop shop” helping people find useful resources, support services and access to knowledge shared by professionals.

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