Time is a funny thing…

We think we have so much of it.

We never really know, though.

When someone experiences post-separation abuse, time is something they reflect on. A lot!

🕚 Time spent with the perpetrator, sometimes over decades.

🕚 Time to process all of the abuse they have experienced.

🕚 Time to figure out where they go from here.

🕚 Time to figure out what support might work for them.

🕚 And a time to realise when they need to try varying support.

Because support and help comes in all shapes and sizes.

There’s no one size fits all.

And that’s OK.

Ultimately, the time comes when the individual will look back and see how far they have come.

There may still be a long road ahead.

But the course of a person’s life can change for the better.

And it’s a far happier time in life that they are heading towards than the one they left behind.

I heard something that really struck a chord with me yesterday and it was that a person doesn’t F.A.I.L it’s just their First Attempt In Learning.

We learn from every experience we encounter in life.

So many people impacted by post-separation abuse feel like failures – and I have to say, society doesn’t help dispel that!

They are not failures, they have not wasted their time. 🕚

They have discovered who they are.

They have learned what they are and aren’t willing to accept in their life.

And that to me is an inspiring person and someone I’d be proud to know ✨️

How do you view your time❓️

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