The photo below is from...... Christmas Day 2016. The camera turned to me and I’m pulling a silly face to try and be funny. I’d had very little sleep for months but didn’t want my children, my family or my friends to know how exhausted I was. ...
Domestic Abuse – You Don’t Own Me
My website started off with a completely different name until someone I admired told me that they didn’t think it worked. What I love about being able to say this now is because, several years ago I would have been completely crushed and taken ...
Could things have turned out differently?
If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, it’s usually because something negative or unfair has happened to you in your life. At some point in all our lives, we’ve had things happen to us that seem unfair or un ...
WHY don’t they just leave?
This is probably one of the most commonly asked questions and is constantly in the spotlight when we talk about domestic abuse. It is also one of the most damaging questions too. Why is it we think if someone leaves an abusive situati ...
Forgiveness – Is It Possible?
Domestic abuse strips the victim of any power or control over their own life. The abuser takes their time, slowly, carefully to ensure this is your new "normal." The victim does not question it, they just accept it. Because questioning an abuse ...
It was never about Love
Love is a very emotive topic for good reason. If we're lucky, we will have experienced some form of love in our lives. When we enter the world and as we grow, love usually comes from our family and friends. As we get older, we can experience the ...
YOU can move any mountain!
Okay, so you can't literally move mountains but you can make choices to remove the obstacles that stand in your way. Or at the very least, try to manage those obstacles so that you can make your life a life you're happy to live. Experiencing dom ...
From Self-preservation to Self-love
For victims and survivors who are impacted by domestic abuse, it feels like they can't see the wood for the trees! Self-preservation is everything! But what if we opened our minds up to the idea of self-love? Self-preservation Life is stressfu ...
The Ripple Effect goes on
Ripple effect: "a situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects." - Cambridge Dictionary And just like a ripple effect, domestic abuse can develop and spread and produce far reac ...