Would you know where to look for support and information around Domestic Abuse?
For anyone who has experienced domestic abuse they will tell you that one of the most difficult things to do when trying to move forward in their lives, is gaining a sense of focus. Everything has become so blurred in their life, that it’s hard to see the wood for the trees.
You Don’t Own Me is here to tell you that it is possible to regain a sense of focus and live a life you deserve.
So if you or someone you know has experienced Domestic Abuse, finding the right support is invaluable.
The below information is for general information purposes. The user may wish to contact organisations found within this page. This is the decision and choice of the user. It is for the user to identify the right fit for them in terms of resources and services.
My Blogs, Guest Blogs and Podcast will hopefully be additional support for many but you may want to check out some of the links below –
A – Z of Resources offering support UK:
A Collection of Older Victim-Survivors Stories Raising the visibility of women in mid & later life affected by trauma & domestic abuse.
Age UK: No age limit: older people and domestic abuse Advice line for survivors, information and resource bank.
AJ Gajjar Parenting and Trauma Consultant / Facebook / LinkedIn
Ambimind Therapy. They use up to date approaches and advancements in technology to support sessions and offer a platform for self help and prevention while you are at home or on the go.
Black and blue: Welsh woman in London This raw, compelling memoir takes readers on an emotionally sobering journey through abuse, violence, stalking and a mental health breakdown.
Coercive Control Checklist with twelve types of coercive control named for how they affect you – Jennifer Parker, Intimate Partner Abuse Therapist and Consultant.
Coercive Relationships: Find the Answers You Seek provides empowering information and guidance for survivors of intimate partner abuse – Jennifer Parker, Intimate Partner Abuse Therapist and Consultant. (You can also sign up for Jennifer’s monthly blog and newsletter for survivors and professionals with resources that promote healing from coercive control.
Coffee for Craig Manchester Homeless Charity An organisation committed to making the world a little better for those who find themselves on the streets.
Clare’s Law This scheme enables the police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have.
361 Diamond Alice Smith, Writer of 361 Recovery programme for women survivors. Teacher. Change maker. Optimist. Member of CPS scrutiny panel for crimes involving VAWG. 361 is a gift from survivor to survivor. I’ve rolled up all the lessons I learnt the hard way over those years – so you don’t have to. After counselling, there is nothing offered to us that feels real. At its heart 361 has an understanding of how it really feels to be a survivor and how lonely, scary and hopeless that can sometimes feel in an uncaring and uninformed world.
Danielle Barbereau Professional Divorce Coaching A leading professional coach specialising in Divorce since 2010.
- Domestic Abuse Education Sharon Livermore MBE The Domestic Abuse Education visionary and driving force behind it all. She is a passionate trainer, delivering her courses across the globe, to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Sharon is a survivor, an educator and a beacon of strength, who thrives on empowering others.
Domestic Abuse Alliance Civil legal support and protection for people living with domestic abuse. Helpline: 0800 1010 7110. Email: [email protected]
The DV Walking Wounded The Spiritual & Mental Health “Breaking Free” Blog: For DV and Sexual Abuse Survivors.
For Baby’s Sake provides parents with trauma-informed, therapeutic support to break the cycle of domestic abuse and give their baby the best start in life.
Friends Against Scams Online sessions to protect one and others against scams
Full Circle Funerals Partners Altrincham Jeremy and Sara Fixter established Full Circle Funerals Partners Altrincham because they wanted to deliver the best possible funeral care to their local community. Available 24/7 they are there for you when you need them. Free Webinar Series: Bereavement Resources: Altrincham local bereavement resources Talk About It Postcard: Talk about it
GOV.UK domestic abuse and how to get help Resources for survivors
Hollie Gazzard Trust The charity helps reduce domestic violence through creating and delivering programmes on domestic abuse and promoting healthy relationships to schools and colleges.
International Men’s Day in the UK Making a positive difference to the wellbeing and lives of men and boys. Raising awareness and/or funds for charities supporting men and boys’ wellbeing Promoting a positive conversation about men, manhood and masculinity.
Jared Whitaker / Book series on Amazon / YouTube Channel Author and campaigner for male victims of domestic abuse, false allegations, parental alienation and more.
Just for Women+ Support for All Support, tools and opportunities women need to live safely, gain financial stability and lead enriched lives.
LGBT Foundation Friendly, non-judgmental service to explore your current situation and work with you to identify potential next steps for support.
Little Mouse Finds a Safe Place Storybook Little-Mouse Finds a Safe Place is a children’s storybook designed to help professionals support children who have experienced and witnessed domestic violence and abuse, and also contains guidelines on the key issues and how to use the story with individuals and groups.
- Their mission is to change the stigma of emotional scams for victims and society.
ManKind Initiative Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Monika Labich Coaching & Therapy Online Coaching & Therapy for alcohol misuse related problems.
National Trading Standards Scams Team The National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team helps address mass marketing fraud and disrupts the activities of the perpetrators. It collaborates with agencies nationwide to identify and assist victims of mass marketing fraud.
NHS Social Prescribing Social prescribing is a key component of Universal Personalised Care. It is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
NSPCC Resource bank for survivors and children.
Online Safety Advice A YDOM page on maintaining online safety when locating domestic abuse resources online.
Opoka Helps women and children in the Polish community to improve health, wellbeing, financial stability and happiness by stopping domestic violence.
Own My Life A 12-week online or in-person course to help women who have been subjected to abuse to regain ownership of their lives.
Recognition to Recovery: How to leave your abusive ex behind for good! This book is packed full of bite-size strategies, information and guidance for anyone who thinks they are in or have been in an abusive/controlling relationship.
Recognition to Recovery Insights Programme Programme for survivors to recognise tactics of abusive behaviour.
Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
Rie Pearson’s Book Be Kind. No Excuses. A retired police officer’s guide to help teenage girls recognise abusive behaviours in intimate relationships.
RNIB RNIB is committed to helping blind and partially sighted people.
SCOPE Community providing advice and resources for survivors.
Safe Lives UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, for everyone and for good.
Safeguarding Animal & Human Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Abuse (S.A.H.S.D.A). We encourage professional curiosity by providing training to equip you with the knowledge and skills to help do your part to keep humans and animals safe from harm.
SHIELD Derby Safeguarding Children, Child Protection. Training – Support – Guidance. SHIELD Derby is a safeguarding and children’s protection specialist service.
SignHealth The Deaf Health Charity. Support for deaf survivors.
Stand Out Socks co-founded by Ross, an inspiring individual with Down Syndrome
Stronger Beginnings – Samantha Billingham Samantha Billingham is the founder of Stronger Beginnings and we provide bespoke training for businesses and professionals to enhance their understanding of coercive control, domestic abuse and its impact.
Sue Atkins The Parenting Expert Saying “NO” to your kids with confidence ! Parenting advice.
Supporting children who have experienced domestic abuse with their return to school with Ann Dix Youtube video with advice for children who have experienced domestic abuse.
Surviving Economic Abuse – Organisations that can help. Resources for survivors experiencing economic abuse.
Suzy Lamplugh Trust Resources for women being stalked.
Trafford Domestic Abuse Services Our core value of being ‘Inclusive’ means we support all victims of domestic abuse with our female and male accommodation and group work services delivered separately. We provide safe women only spaces in both our accommodation and group work programmes and safe male only spaces in our accommodation and group work programmes.
Trafford Domestic Abuse Services New short film ‘Too Much!” Supporting Young People to have Healthy Relationships Project
The Cyber Helpline Provides free, expert help for victims of cybercrime, digital fraud & online harm
The Haven Wolverhampton Our priority is to provide essential support to those affected by domestic abuse. Our helpline is dedicated to assisting vulnerable women and children in their time of need.
The Maggie Oliver Foundation The Maggie Oliver Foundation (TMOF) exists to create a society where survivors and those at risk of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE) are empowered to live fulfilled and successful lives, and where every survivor is treated with dignity, respect and as an equal and valued member of society.
Tina Pokuaah Consultancy and Training taking a Gender and Culture informed approach to safeguarding.
Vanessa White – Break Up and Divorce Coach With Expertise in Breakups from Toxic and Abusive Partners.
Vesta Specialist Family Support Empowering Polish Families in England and Wales. Improve your client’s knowledge of domestic abuse and parenting and increase your cultural competence and confidence in supporting Polish clients.
Voices De-mystify family court process for all – Backed by victims and judiciary, to de-mystify family court process for all, VOICES are very proud to be part of the Local Family Justice Board’s (LFJB) Domestic Abuse Advisory group, formed of experts from all professions involved in the family court.
Women’s Aid Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.
Words Matter video Trafford Domestic Abuse Services An initiative to raise
awareness of domestic abuse in the Trafford community,
A – Z of Resources offering support USA:
- Advice for financial abuse.
Consumer Notice is a consumer advocacy organisation Advice for people who have experienced assault during rideshare.
Divorce Coalition Advice for survivors in America.
- African Americans across the country can make use of database that lists grants and financial assistance programs in all 50 states and DC. Our website offers details on programs that help blacks with finding help with groceries, utility bills, rent, college, medications, childcare, medical bills, housing, and more.
LGBTQ+ Online Scams: How to Spot Them and Stay Safe from Harm Advice for online scams.